
Saturday, April 26, 2014

2 GIRLS TEACH SEX: Get Harder, And Now Last Longer (Interview with John!)


Two days ago I announced the release of MEGA Endurance, the new stamina supplement from John Lawrence, the guy who brought you PHGH.

MEGA Endurance will officially be released on May 3 at 12 noon (PST), and you can only get it right HERE as a subscriber to my newsletter!

This all­ natural supplement is designed to help you last up to half an hour with a woman, at FULL speed and intensity…

So you can give her those body­trembling, mind­bending, juicy wet Orgasms a girl can only get after she's been pounded for a good, long time!

It's made a huge difference in my own sex life, let me tell you…

And I KNOW it'll make a difference in yours.

And speaking of John Lawrence, the guy who made MEGA Endurance happen...

I recently ran across a cool interview with him on one of my favorite blogs, Passionate Reviews….

He has a really unique personal story…

From boxer to adult film star, and now one of the leading makers of all­ natural male enhancement supplements…

I've known John for years and even I learned a few neat things about him in this interview! =)

Check it out here:

Harder, Faster, Longer ­ An Interview with John Lawrence, Inventor of PHGH

And be sure to keep checking in with me over the next few days…

I'll have a whole lot more information on MEGA Endurance, plus some AMAZING free sex tips to DOUBLE your stamina, however long you can last now!

This is stuff you can use IMMEDIATELY to take your love life from "ho hum" to "Wow!" ­ FAST!

Don't miss it!


P.S., If you have any questions about MEGA Endurance, the new stamina supplement from John Lawrence I'm releasing on May 3 please let me know!! I'll get back to you with an email in a few days where I take all your best questions and answer them! I mean it, I always love hearing from you!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

2 GIRLS TEACH SEX: HUGE News! (Hint: How To Have Mega Endurance in Bed)


Full-on, full-tilt, jackhammer pounding...

For 20 minutes, 30 minutes…leaving her soaking wet, her body tingling, and her mind blown.

No girl will admit it, but secretly….

It's what every woman really wants from sex.

That's because it's the ONLY way to give her those toe-curling, bed-rattling, screaming-at-the-top-of-her-lungs ORGASMS she needs to feel truly satisfied.

And if you're the rare guy who can pull that off... The she'll be literally ADDICTED to having sex with you... to the point where nothing else you do even matters.

Take it from me... I know from personal experience. I darned nera gave up on a really  great new guy because of his stamina problem...

Luckily for me, though, I had a life-changing experience that changed my mind. I think I've found the solution that lets ANY guy-no matter how old, or what kind of shape he's in- last half an hour or more in bed with a woman.

A way for great ordinary guys to satisfy women and and not lose them to the lucky jerks who happen to naturally have great stamina. Let me catch you up on my story so far...

A few weeks ago I told you about the new guy I've been dating, "J"... A really amazing guy but unfortunately he just couldn't last long enough in bed to give me the kind of deep, truly satisfying orgasma I crave. I even considered going back to an "ex" of mone - a real jerk who just happened to have freakishly great stamina and made me cum like no one else ever had before...

Thankfully, I didn't. I got some great advice from a lot of my friends... including an old friend of mine, John Lawrence. John is a former adult film star who is now a leading maker of all-natural supplements. You might know him as the guy who brought you PHGH, the world's top selling natural male supplement.

Well, John came through for me in a big way... He let me have a few samples of a brand new supplement designed sepcifically to help guys last longer in bed.

I had my doubts... But I got "J" to try it... and he was instantly able to last almost TWICE as long as he ever had before! And the next time he tried it a few days later... he lasted close to half an hour! And because of that, he was able to give me the most powerful, must unbelievably HUGE ORGASM I have EVER had! That nigt, "J" instantly put all thoughts of any other guy to rest...

And it's all because of this new natural health breaktrough John Lawrence let me try. The only problem is, up until now, John has only produced it in very small batches, exclusively for his male adult film star clients... These guys need to be able to last up to an hor at a time when they're shooting, and it's just not possible for 99% of guys to eb able to last that long naturally... Which is why this pill was such a boon to male performers in the adult film business. But I KNEW it was going to enhance my own sex life...

Since he's been taking it, "J" has been able to last longer and longer each time…

We've had one mind-altering sexual experience after another….and each night is more intense than the last! =)

Basically, I'm fully ADDICTED to the kind of sex he gives me. I HAD to have more of this stuff!

And since "J" and I have had such amazing results from this, I realized this supplement could also help a TON of other guys.

So I asked my fans...

And you told me you were very interested in a stamina supplement like this...

I got literally THOUSANDS of emails from guys asking me about this new pill.

I met with John Lawrence…I showed him a handful of those emails from guys all around the world...

Guys who were eager for a pill that would help them solve their premature ejaculation...

Guys who wanted to be able to last long enough to give their wives or girlfriends those next-level, addictive orgasms a girl can only get after a good long, steady pounding...

And John was moved.

He was hesitant at first...

He was a little worried his adult film star clients might be worried he was giving away an industry "secret"...

But he saw there was clearly a big demand for a supplement like this...

And his main priority in life is to help average guys everywhere have better sex lives.

He's done it already with PHGH, which gives you the ability to achieve your full size and hardness potential...

But as I told John, hardness is only HALF the equation.

A guy needs erection-strength - HARDNESS - but he also needs STAMINA if he wants to truly pleasure a woman like she needs to be pleasured.

And that's true not just in the adult film business, but in real life as well. Especially if you're concerned about KEEPING a woman interested in you for awhile.

Long story short, he agreed to make more...

But ONLY for my fans!

See, John & I have had a great working relationship in the past, and he trusts me totally. I got REALLY excited...

But there was still one thing left to decide..

This pill didn't yet have a name!

We had a brainstorming session at Jerry's Famous Deli over some sandwiches…

And I think we came up with a winner…

Are you ready?

(Drumroll please….)

I'm very proud to announce:


The new all-natural stamina supplement that will let you last a 30 MINUTES OR LONGER with a woman in bed...

Designed for use by male adult film performers, this is a PROFESSIONAL-STRENGTH supplement...

Definitely NOT for guys who are only interested in average sex. If you're OK with just a few minutes of run-of-the-mill lovemaking every now and then, and MAYBE giving your girl an orgasm (if you're lucky)...

Then this is NOT for you.

But if you're looking for something a little extreme…if you want to give your girl an experience (and an ORGASM) she will NEVER forget…and give it to her EVERY TIME, so she's completely hooked on you...

Then MEGA Endurance is for you.

It's never before been available on the market, and it's coming very soon…in just 10 days, as a matter of fact.

That's right, on May 3rd you'll be able to get MEGA Endurance

But you can't get it in any store or anywhere else…only right here, as a subscriber to this newsletter.

So mark your calendars...

Because I promise, you won't want to miss out on this!

And stay'll be hearing more from me over the next few days about this game-changing new supplement.


P.S. If you have any questions about MEGA Endurance, the new stamina supplement from John Lawrence (Inventor of PHGH), that will allow any guy to last a half hour or longer in bew with a woman and give her the most satisfying, explosive orgasma she's ever had - please let me know!! I'll get back to you with an email in a few days where I take all your best questions and answer them!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Πριν φύγουμε από την «ακτή της ακολασίας», τη λατρεμένη «Punta Križ», τα κορίτσια παραπονέθηκαν ότι δεν τα «ζωγραφίσαμε», όπως έκαναν άλλα ζευγάρια. «Δηλαδή», είπε η Σλάβι, «θέλατε να σας ζωγραφίσουν άγνωστοι ηδονοβλεψίες;» «Τόση ανάγκη είχατε το «ζωγράφισμα;»

«Σας υπενθυμίζω ότι εμείς πηδιόμαστε μόνο με φίλους μας και δεν καλούμε ξένους στην παρέα μας». Η Σουζάνα ανέβηκε βιαστικά από το βαθούλωμα. Η Σλάβι παρατήρησε στεγνό σπέρμα στα μαλλιά της. «Σούζι, τι έγινε;» «Έκανα ροβινιώτικη πίπα σε δύο πελάτες και τελείωσαν στα μαλλιά μου!» «Πρέπει να πλυθείς, δεν μπορείς να κατέβεις στην πόλη σ' αυτή την κατάσταση». «Εγώ ξέρω ότι ζωγραφίζουν πρόσωπα, όχι μαλλιά». «Μπορεί να είχαν πιει σλιβοβίτσα και να μην έβρισκαν το στόχο!». Είχα βαρεθεί να ακούω τα ίδια και τα ίδια. Μεθυσμένοι άνδρες που δεν ξεχώριζαν τις τρύπες των γυναικών!». Γυναίκες που έβρισκαν αδέσποτα καυλιά στις μασχάλες τους!

Η Φράνσι συνεχώς με προκαλούσε να τη «ζωγραφίσω» στο βαθούλωμα». «Φράνσι, παραπονέθηκε η Κάσι, παραφέρεσαι». «Μίκι, κανείς δεν με φροντίζει εδώ». «Όχι παράπονα». «Πηδηχτήκαμε αρκετές φορές σε βάρος των αρχών του ομαδικού παιχνιδιού». «Βάλε τον άνδρα σου να σε ζωγραφίσει». «Αυτός πηδάει μόνο την Παυλίνα». «Είμαι εξαντλημένος». «Ίσως αύριο, αν σηκωθείς πρωί, θα πάμε στο βαθούλωμα να σε ζωγραφίσω!». Γέλασε, με έσφιξε στην αγκαλιά της. Άρχισα να την πηγαίνω. Πηδούσα ξένη γυναίκα και δεν φρόντιζα τη δική μου. Κάποιο θα έβρισκε και εκείνη. Οι επισκέψεις στα γειτονικά διαμερίσματα δεν ήταν και τόσο αθώες, όπως έμαθα αργότερα. «Πάω να δω τον/την τάδε, σήμαινε θέλω να πηδηχτώ μαζί του/της».

Καμάκωναν γυναίκες ή άνδρες στην πισίνα και μετά τους καλούσαν στα ιδιαίτερα. Ξεκινούσαν από γυμνή φωτογράφιση και προχωρούσαν σιγά-σιγά. Από το 223 περνούσε κόσμος. Άλλη να δανειστεί καφέ, ζάχαρη ή να της δείξω δήθεν πώς λειτουργεί το γκάζι. Στην πραγματικότητα επιζητούσαν ένα γρήγορο πήδημα στον πάγκο της κουζίνας.

«Πρέπει να βρω άνδρες να μας ζωγραφίσουν ομαδικά». «Για πάρτη μου χρειάζομαι τουλάχιστο πέντε», «Θέλω να αισθανθώ το ζεστό σπέρμα στο πρόσωπό μου». «Ζήλεψα τις άλλες στην παραλία», μονολογούσε η Φράνσι. «Η Μπλάνκα δέχτηκε ομαδικό ζωγράφισμα από οκτώ τύπους!». «Ναι, κάλεσε οκτώ αυνανιστές που τον έπαιζαν δίπλα της!». «Πήγαινε να πλυθείς στη θάλασσα». «Κορίτσια, να βάλετε φιλέ να μην κολλήσουν στα μαλλιά σας». Ωραία συζήτηση είχαμε ανοίξει. Γύρω μας διάφοροι τύποι και μερικές γυναίκες παρακολουθούσαν με ενδιαφέρον τη συζήτηση. Η Σλάβι δαχτύλωνε δυο ασυνόδευτες γυναίκες και προσπαθούσε να μασουλήσει συγχρόνως καυλιά. Εμφανίστηκε η Μπλάνκα, κάτασπρη – ουσιαστικά δεν έβλεπε από τα χύσια. Παρακαλούσε την Παυλίνα να την οδηγήσει στο νερό! Εκείνη όμως τροφοδοτούσε τον Κρέσι με ροβινιώτικο γάλα. Πήρα την Μπλάνκα που απέσπασε ευμενή σχόλια από τους οργιαστές και την οδήγησα στο νερό. Η Κασι ζήλεψε και φώναξε, «Μίκι, άστην μόνη της να πλυθεί!». Βούτηξε στο νερό και βγήκε καθαρή. Στο σκαλοπάτι δυο αυνανιστές τελείωσαν στα βυζιά της. Ανεβαίνοντας τα σκαλοπάτια παρατηρούσα τα χυμένα χαμογελαστά πρόσωπα γυναικών.

Συμφωνήσαμε να συναντηθούμε το απόγευμα της επόμενης με τη δροσιά. άσχετα αν θα πήγαινα με τη Φράνσι για προθέρμανση. όσο ο Κρέσι ήταν απασχολημένος με την Παυλίνα. Εγώ την έβρισκα με τη Φράνσι. Λάτρευα τα βυζιά και το άτριχο μουνί της. Είχε εκπληκτικό σώμα και ήθελε πήδημα όλη την ώρα. Το μόνο μειονέκτημα ήταν ότι δεν είχε γάλα.

Friday, April 18, 2014

2 GIRLS TEACH SEX: The 7 Signs She's DEFINITELY Into Uoy


As a woman, I know we can be pretty damn COMPLICATED!

And sometimes, we can mess with your heads a little...

I know women who will act super sweet or pretend to flirt with a guy just to get a free drink...and then bail!

I’ve seen girls chat up a storm and never mention the fact that they’re in a relationship until a guy asks her for her number.

And there are a TON of women who will totally lead you on just to enjoy the flattery.

It’s cruel I know, but it’s the truth and as your friend, I want to help you figure out if the girl you’re interested in is ACTUALLY into you...

Or if she's just trying to score a compliment and a free night at the bar.

The 7 DEFINITE Signs She’s Actually Into You...

1.) She Spends Time On You Even When You’re Not Around

One thing that is SUPER important is the fact that the attraction between two people should grow even when you’re not in each other’s company.

If anything, it should become even stronger when the two of you aren’t together!

A pretty good sign she’s into you is when she knows you’re busy, but she texts or calls you anyway.

She is communicating when you can’t respond and that’s a HUGE indicator that she’s got you on her mind.

Whether she leaves a cute voicemail just to say hello or sends a text letting you know she’s thinking of know for sure your girl is into you!

Another way a girl might spend time on you when you aren’t around is by buying you a gift just because :)

For example, when I’m doing a little shopping and I see something that J might like, I’ll buy it for him.

Trust me, a woman won’t waste her time or money on a man she’s not really into. So keep that in mind :)

2.) She Stalks You On Facebook

These days, when a woman first meets a guy, the QUICKEST and easiest way to get to know him is by digging up dirt on Facebook or any other social media network.

If she starts leaving you comments on older photos or posts, you’ll know for sure that she’s been stalking you a bit! But in a good way =)

She’s using your Facebook to find out more about you without coming on too strong or scaring you away.

Just keep in mind that if she doesn’t send you a friend request, she might not actually be that interested.

3.) She Wants You All To Herself

A woman will DEFINITELY make it known that you are hers if she’s really into you.

If you are at a bar and she see’s you talking to another girl, chances are that if she’s into you, she will interrupt the conversation faster than lightning.

She will do everything in her power to make sure every other girl in the bar sees the two of you together.

And to make things a little more known, she may even kiss your cheek and be extra touchy just to make sure YOU know she’s feeling it :)

Girls can get pretty feisty when it comes to getting what she wants, and if she likes you, she wont be afraid to put up a fight. Meow!!

4.) She Asks Questions

Women are often very reserved when it comes to making the first move or approaching a guy in general.

If she does this, she might be very outgoing or she’s just REALLY into you. She might start by saying something like...“I think I know you from somewhere” just to initially open a conversation.

She will also want to know more about who you are.

So pay attention to how engaged she is in the conversation.

If she asks you open-ended questions that make you give a detailed response versus a yes or no response, it’s a pretty good sign she is trying to prolong the convo and hoping to get more out of you!

5.) She Wants To Know You're Into Her

Women NEED to feel wanted.

And in order to be comfortable making it known that they like you, they want to know you like them back.

Sometimes, a girl will flirt a little more than usual, or act sexually forward just to test the waters and see if you make a move.

A woman might do this by licking or biting her lips, playing with her hair, or showing off her neck.

These are all signals that she wants to turn up the heat.

A woman who touches you when she speaks is another sign of interest, and it gives you the opportunity to touch her back.

Doing this will let her know that you are interested as well. So keep checking out her body movements to see if she is really initiating that physical contact, and if so, get on it!

6.) She Stays Close Enough For You To Kiss Her

Women are very, very smart when it comes to getting the things they want...

Especially a kiss out of a man they’re after.

Pay attention to how she reacts when you move in close to whisper something in her ear for example.

If she likes you, she will turn her cheek to listen closely and place her hand on your thigh.

The more comfortable she is, the more attraction and contact there will be.

Another thing she might do is press herself harder into you when you go in for a hug.

She will position herself so that her face is very close to yours.

If she looks the other way...maybe you should to :(

7.) She Looks You Directly In The Eye

The longer a woman keeps direct eye contact, the more she wants you.

Eye contact is an invitation, and if you don’t return the gaze, she can feel rejected.

The girl who looks you in the eyes before you look into hers is definitely chasing you ;)

And if she looks you in the eye for a long period of time, while holding a smile...she probably wants to do the dirty with you.

Pupils actually dilate due to the response of oxytocin and dopamine in the system, and those levels will grow stronger the more attracted to you she is.

So...keep an eye out =)

Gaining confidence and understanding how women communicate is the first step in meeting more attractive women, and I certainly hope this helps make things a little easier on you!



P.S. Let me know what you think about this email! Can't wait to hear from you!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

2 GIRLS TEACH SEX: A "Professional Strength" Stamina Pill (Not For Beginners!)

Hey Angelos,

Well, it seems like a lot of guys are pretty excited about learning more about this amazing new stamina pill I got from my friend John Lawrence!

Last week, I asked if you might be interested in a stamina pill like this…

I got TONS of replies, and almost every one has said they'd want to know more about it.

My boyfriend, "J" has taken it twice now, and it's made a HUGE difference in our sex life…

He basically gave me the Holy Grail of all Orgasms last week after taking it!=)

And now…I'm ALL his. I'd do anything to get more of those amazing O's from him.

But here's the thing….

As of right now, I CAN'T get any more of those special stamina pills.

John Lawrence only makes them in VERY small amounts, for himself and a few of his adult film star friends.

He told me they're strictly "professional grade" supplements…

But I've seen first­hand how well they can work for ordinary guys.

And I've read dozens of your emails telling me how excited you'd be to try a pill like this.

So I've made up my mind…

I'm GOING to talk to John Lawrence (Mr. PHGH himself!) and convince him to make more of these "miracle" pills for you and my other loyal fans...

And I won't take "No" for an answer!

You see, I NEED more of those orgasms from "J" in order to feel satisfied, and I know that, without these pills, he just won't be able to last long enough to give them to me.

I'm officially ON A MISSION…

I just called John, and left a message for him, telling him we need to talk...

That I have an idea to discuss with him that just might dramatically revolutionize the sex lives of guys everywhere.

He hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I'll keep calling him until he does.

And I promise to keep you up to date with any new info on this hot new supplement!

As for me…

I'm seeing "J" again tonight, and I'm looking forward to it…I know we'll have a great time, we always do…

But I don't know how long I can go without those NEXT­LEVEL ORGASMS I get from those marathon sex sessions!


Anyways, keep checking in with me….

I'll let you know as soon as I talk to John….


P.S., If you're interested in this supplement, PLEASE write & let me know! The bigger the demand is for this pill, the more likely I am to convince John to produce more bottles!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Hey Angelos,

No one knows a woman’s body MORE than she does...

But wouldn’t it be exciting to look at an AMAZINGLY HOT girl and know that YOU knew her body better than she did?

Well, I have a little something for you that will make you the BEST she’s ever had...

But first, I have a JUICY story for you, and I hope you’re ready...cause it’s pretty naughty =)

OK, so for the past month, J had been REALLY pushing the idea of having a threesome, and of course, being a guy and all, he hasn’t stopped pestering me for an answer...

So I decided to give in!

But, I didn’t want it to be just any threesome...I wanted it to be EXTRA special, especially because it was his first time being with two beautiful women =)

Now before I move forward with the story, I want you to know that I haven’t really told J about my work.
I mean, he knows I used to make adult films, but I never really told him I was still making sexual education videos.

Anyway, I thought about it and decided, what better way to introduce my job than by showing him!

I called my girlfriend Ashley because I knew for a fact she’d be MORE than interested. Plus, her and I already fooled around once or twice before ;)

We went through all of my programs and decided I should show him “Extreme Female Orgasms.”

It’s one of my FAVORITE programs because it includes 8 DIFFERENT types of orgasms...

Including the “Forced Orgasm” – only the HOTTEST, most INCREDIBLE explosion that will make a girl come so hard, she could EASILY forget her own name.

Seriously...I've seen it happen before.

It shows you how to get her to psychologically SURRENDER to you and see you as her personal SEX GOD who can never be replaced.

AND most importantly, after learning all the techniques, the gorgeous girls in the demonstrations show you the EXACT rhythm to use while stimulating her for the STRONGEST climax possible.

The best part is that any man can learn these POWERFUL techniques regardless of your size or stamina!

Click here to learn more!
Anyway, on Friday night I wrapped a copy of the program, attached a little note that said, “Baby...We should have triple the fun this weekend. Watch this.” and left it on the kitchen counter for J.

I can’t even tell you how excited he was when he opened his gift. I told him I’d give him some alone time with the video, but he insisted he watch it with me.

That night we watched the ENTIRE program and tried out a few of the techniques. After a TON of MINDBLOWING sex and endless amounts of orgasms, I thought it was a great time to tell him about what I do.

His reaction was just as I had expected! He was totally supportive and was really happy that I was honest about it!

Then Sunday came around...and IT HAPPENED!!

Even though J knew I wanted to have that threesome, I still wanted to take him by surprise, so I told him to come to my place for a romantic dinner...

Little did he know, he’d be eating two SEXY vaginas instead =p

Ashley and I dressed up in the HOTTEST lingerie, stockings, garters, and A LOT of lace, had a few shots of Vodka and got ready for one of the most exciting, pleasurable and ELECTRIC nights ever!!

We got a little impatient and started making out a little until finally I heard a knock at my door!

When we opened it, J was so shocked that he actually dropped the bottle of wine from his hands! It spilled EVERYWHERE!

We couldn’t stop laughing, but eventually we all calmed down and cleaned up the mess.

J immediately picked me up and started kissing me like crazy! Then he grabbed Ashley’s hand and walked her over to the bed.

He threw me down as Ashley grabbed my hand and sucked on my middle finger, staring at me with her fierce eyes. I was so TURNED ON! Holy crap! It was seriously amazing =)

Then things started to get REALLY crazy!

Ashley went down on me while J gave me a seductive body massage. I swear, she followed the EXACT techniques in the video and was giving me MULTIPLE orgasms like never before!

Then J gave me a full-body orgasm that sent electric pulses of pleasure from my core all the way down to my toes!!

The night got much MUCH steamier, especially when I got to watch J and Ashley make love! They were so rough and sexy!! But I’ll let you use your imagination for the rest =)

Anyway, my point of this entire story is that after this crazy threesome I realized that EVERY guy should know these extreme sex techniques!

So, I am offering "Extreme Female Orgasms” for $100 off!!
The program usually sells for $167, but I'm in such a good mood after this threesome that I feel like being EXTRA sweet =)

I'm only doing the sale for the next 48 hours though so if you truly want to be the BEST that any girl has EVER had, you have to act fast!

Click here to get the program for only $67!
You will learn a TON of secrets that will mesmerize a woman’s body and mind in ways she never even dreamed possible!

Plus you’ll learn to master ALL the secrets to sexual confidence and how to get girls riled up just by being around you!

Get “Extreme Female Orgasms” here and make your next sexual experience one to remember.

P.S. I want to know about YOUR threesome experiences! Or just any naughty stories in general =) Don't forget to email me lover.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014




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2 GIRLS TEACH SEX: What She Cares About MORE Than The Size Of Your Junk


If you haven’t already noticed, I talk about confidence A LOT...

And that’s because it’s one of the most important traits a man can have...especially if he wants to have a TON of GREAT sex.

You can build your sexual confidence by brushing up on your sex skills, taking good care of your body, and even setting goals for yourself OUTSIDE of the bedroom.

But many guys think being sexually confident or attractive means you gotta have a big bulge in your pants. couldn’t be more wrong!

I mean sure that might be the case for some men, but women definitely don’t seem to agree.

Not even me! It's all about the motion of the ocean if you know what I mean =)

Anyway, I came across a study the other day and I think you might find the results VERY interesting...

Here's what I learned...

The average penis size is 5.6 inches, and if you don’t think you measure up to that, I have more news for you...

The study also found that only 50% of guys weren’t satisfied with their penis size... the same exact study, 84% of women WERE satisfied with their partner’s penis size.

Um, hello...doesn’t that tell you something?!

Women care about MORE than just the size of your junk.

So stop your whining and gain a little confidence would ya!

Keep reading to find out what she ACTUALLY cares about =)

1.) Cleanliness
Whether you think so or not...clean bed sheets are a HUGE turn on for women.

Did you know that the average dude only washes his sheets four times a year? Umm, GROSS!!!

Come on, don't be THAT your damn laundry and clean yourself up a little.

Cleanliness and basic grooming will not only make your girl happy, but it will also keep your mind and life organized.

So trim your unibrow, use a Q-tip once in a while, and if you don’t enjoy doing laundry very often, buy a few sets of bed sheets so you can change them out after a super WET night of lovemaking ;)

Trust will definitely improve your sex life.

2.) Physique
Yes, that’s women LOVE a hot body, and we love it WAY more than a big penis.

I mean come aren't the only ones who like to keep the lights on...and we want something nice to look at too!

Losing weight and getting in shape is the ONE thing you actually have control over. And a BIG part of sex is feeling sexy. The sexier you feel, the more sex you shall have!

If you hit the gym a few times a week, you will be surprised at how much more comfortable and relaxed you will be in the bedroom.

It's been proven that people who exercise more have MORE sex, and it reduces erectile dysfunction!

Plus, it shows dedication...and THAT’S attractive.

3.) Sex Toys
Ok, I know what you’re thinking...

“When a woman brings sex toys into the bedroom, it means I’m not good enough in the sack.”
No, no've got it ALL wrong.

First of all, if she introduces sex toys, it means she is confident and very comfortable with you, which is obviously a good sign.

And doing this in NO way means she isn’t satisfied. She is only trying to ENHANCE an already fantastic sex life.

Plus, in that study I was talking about earlier, women who used vibrators or sex toys in the bedroom reported higher levels of arousal, lubrication and STRONGER orgasms.

That's the PERFECT recipe to MIND-BLOWING sex!

Personally, I own just about every sex toy you can think of, and I'm not ashamed!

Experimenting with them has taught me so much about my body, my orgasms, and has helped me build A LOT of confidence under the sheets =)

4.) Endurance
Sure a big wiener is magical...but what good is it if you blow your load in a few seconds?

Premature ejaculation is a HUGE concern for so many men, but there’s a bunch of little things you can do to help train yourself to last longer.

Try taking slower and deeper breaths for a few minutes at a time during sex can help you last longer.

You can also have your girl get you off before getting busy. That way it takes you a little longer to recharge your sex battery and you can last longer the second time around.

Or...use the start-stop method. To do this, give your girl a few pumps, then pull out, and repeat a few times till you’re ready to finish!

5.) Your Tongue
It’s all about the tongue my dear.

And in case you didn’t already your girl an orgasm through oral BEFORE having sex makes her even MORE orgasmic!

If you want to make you lady very happy, go down on her A LOT! And show her that you are willing to please her for as long as you need to.

Oral sex is the easiest way to a FASTER climax and can lead to multiple orgasms during the actual intercourse.

If you’re not as big as you’d like to be in the sack, using your tongue to its fullest potential is the BEST way to make up for it.

And your girl won’t even think twice about returning the favor.

Why do you think "J" loves foreplay so much! Hmm...

Between you and I... he's really not THAT big, but he totally makes up for it with his tongue. And that's no joke.

6.) Commitment
Women are more likely to have an orgasm with someone they actually care about than during a one-night stand.

And don't be so surprised! Sure, a sweaty one-night stand with a complete stranger is super hot, but GREAT sex starts with a woman’s mind.

She needs to feel an emotional AND sexual connection in order to fully relax and let her body go during a good romp.

Letting her know that you are in it for HER will make the sex more passionate and she will be a whole lot happier!

So forget about size! It’s the quality of sex she’s after.

7.) Communication
Hands down, the MOST important factor to the best sex possible is through communication.

Effective communication will allow you to better understand her sexual needs, what she likes, and what gives her the STRONGEST orgasms.

Talking about sex can be a little awkward at first, but the more comfortable you become with your girl, the easier it will be.

And once you break the ice and get the communication going, the sex will INSTANTLY improve.

It’s a two-way street. You tell her what you want and she tells you what she wants...

Then you’ll know FOR SURE that you are pleasing each other and the sexual confidence that comes with knowing you’re truly satisfying your woman is HUGE!

So there you have it lover, 7 other things she cares about MORE than your junk.

And I REALLY hope this helps you build sexual confidence and gets you laid like no one's business...

After all...that's what I'm here for! =)

XOXO Shawna