
Thursday, April 21, 2016


Is PUSSY a health food? (this is insane)

Dear Angelos,

You like eating pussy, right? Well, I do too;)

I mean, what could be more intoxicating than the sweet aroma of a girl’s juicy slit?

What’s more exciting than seeing a pussy…spread out in all its glory…right in front of your face?

And every time I feel a girl’s clit THROB with pleasure against my lips and tongue…omg, it just turns me on like crazy!!

Anyway, I’m sure you know why eating pussy is so much fun

But what if I told you that it’s also good for your HEALTH?

It’s not as crazy as it sounds…

Because last night I read a very interesting article about how a woman’s pussy doesn’t just look and taste sexy…

…it also contains the same powerful live cultures that you get from probiotic supplements!

And as you may know, probiotics can help you stay healthy, and they’ve even been show to help people lose weight!

Now, lady juice hasn’t been clinically tested or anything...

But it’s nice to think that licking a sweet, dripping pussy might actually be GOOD for you too;)

In fact, I don’t want you to just THINK about eating pussy…I want you to DO IT often (and do it better than other men!)

That’s why I’m today, I’m giving you a private 50% discount on my revealing video program ‘Oral Sex Magic.’

You see, oral sex isn’t easy. And unless you’ve been SHOWN how to do it by a woman, you’re probably doing it all wrong

Fortunately, Oral Sex Magic will teach you what 98% of men don’t know about female pleasure…and it will transform your sex life!

After all, giving a girl mind-blowing oral sex is vital to YOUR sexual satisfaction…and your success with women in general.

Because the truth is, if a woman isn’t getting SUPERIOR oral stimulation…she won’t stick around.

And if you don’t eat her pussy the right way, she won’t want to return the favor (so no blow jobs for you!)

She won’t be fulfilled…

And eventually, she’ll go looking for someone who actually KNOWS what to do with his tongue!

But the special techniques in Oral Sex Magic are all tested and approved by real girls…

So guys that use this program NEVER have to worry about being dumped…

And once you learn this breakthrough system, every woman you go down on will start to see YOU as her ONLY source of sexual pleasure (imagine how much power that will give you!)

I seriously can’t wait for your to discover these secrets…

…and I can’t wait for you to see how hard your girl cums when you actually USE them;)

So if you want to deliver maximum-strength orgasms…and never have to compete with other men for her attention…then Oral Sex Magic is a MUST.

Because if you don’t know all the tricks and techniques she craves, she won't tell you what to do...

But she might tell all her friends about your DISAPPOINTING skills!

So don’t put your sex life in jeopardy — especially since I’m letting you learn some of the most EXCLUSIVE pleasure secrets on earth at such a low price.

Seriously, the skills you’re about to learn will make you an UNSTOPPABLE lover…and they’ll give you rock star confidence around every woman you meet;)

PS: If you have any questions about the techniques in Oral Sex Magic, let me know…or follow this link for more information.

And remember, this extraordinary 50% discount is available this week only — but since demand for Oral Sex Magic is always very high, I might sell out of videos BEFORE the official sale end-date (and will have to shut down the order page sooner than expected). So please don’t risk it...
Go HERE to save 50% off Oral Sex Magic right away

Monday, April 18, 2016


Την Κυριακή, 17 Απριλίου 2016, επισκέφθηκα τη δεύτερη κατά σειρά «ATHENA EROTICART: Τhe Art Of Erotic Entertainment & Lifestyle Expo» έκθεση στο κλειστό γήπεδο Tae Kwon Do στον Ολυμπιακό Πόλο Φαλήρου (15-18/4/2016).

Έφθασα εκεί κατά τις 1.30 το μεσημέρι και ταλαιπωρήθηκα μέχρι να εντοπίσω ανοικτή είσοδο στο συγκρότημα. Τελικά, πέρασα μέσα από τον χώρο στάθμευσης, ανέβηκα τα σκαλιά και κατευθύνθηκα στην πίσω είσοδο. Οι συγκεντρωμένοι επισκέπτες διαμαρτυρήθηκαν στους άνδρες ασφαλείας για την ανεξήγητη καθυστέρηση στο άνοιγμα. Δεν δόθηκε ικανοποιητική εξήγηση, γιατί απλά στην Ελλάδα όλα γίνονται στο πόδι. Θα μπορούσε η διοργανώτρια εταρεία να είχε ενημερώσει την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα για την αλλαγή ώρας, ώστε να αποφευχθεί η ταλαιπωρία του κόσμου.
Κατέβαλα 12.00€ και παρέλαβα το συνημμένο «πάσο εισόδου» χωρίς αρίθμηση, αντί θεωρημένου εισιτηρίου με τα στοιχεία των διοργανωτών, καθώς και τους όρους εισιτηρίου για τα δικαιώματα και υποχρεώσεις των επισκεπτών. Σοβαρή παράλειψη η έλλειψη καταλόγου εκθετών για την εύκολη αναζήτηση των περιπτέρων.

Η πρώτη εντύπωση που αποκόμισα από τον ημιώροφο όπου βρίσκονταν τα περισσότερα περίπτερα εκθετών, δεν ήταν και η καλύτερη.  Το υψηλό κόστος ενοικίασης περιπτέρου για ένα τετραήμερο, η έλλειψη διαθέσιμου ρευστού για την παραγωγή διαφημιστικού υλικού και η συγκυρία, απέτρεψαν γνωστά ονόματα της ερωτικής βιομηχανίας να λάβουν μέρος. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα η απουσία ξενοδοχείων ημιδιαμονής, με εξαίρεση τον «Όμιλο Ξενοδοχείων ΠΡΙΑΜΟΣ», αλυσίδες καταστημάτων ερωτικών ειδών, οι οποίες επιλέγουν την ηλεκτρονική διαφήμιση. Στον αντίποδα, παρατήρησα πολλά περίπτερα μικροεκθετών με είδη ένδυσης και υπόδησης κυριών, γλυκίσματα και είδη καθημερινής χρήσης (γλειφιτζούρια, παστάκια, πιάτα, κούπες, φαλλοκρατικά εμβλήματα κ.ά.).

Για τους τακτικούς επισκέπτες εκθέσεων με τις χαρακτηριστικές τσάντες, συλλέκτες διαφημιστικού υλικού, οι εκθέτες δεν διέθεταν ποικιλία φυλλαδίων.

Βρήκα τον αεικίνητο Θέμη, ιδιοκτήτη του κορυφαίου swing bar/club στην Ελλάδα,  να μοιράζει το διαφημιστκό του «2+2 Club» στους πρώτους επισκέπτες της έκθεσης και να απαντά στις ερωτήσεις τους. Ιδιαίτερα φιλικός και προσιτός, δέχθηκε να φιλοξενήσει τους «Έλληνες Ηδονιστές» στο προσεγμένο περίπτερό του. Ήταν ικανοποιημένος από την προσέλευση ζευγαριών, το Σάββατο, 16 Απριλίου, ισχυριζόμενος ότι είχε υπερκαλύψει τα έξοδα συμμετοχής στην έκθεση.

Το περίπτερο είχε ένα μικρό τραπεζάκι και τέσσερις καρεκλες, μεγάλες έγχρωμες φωτογραφίες από εκδηλώσεις (βλέπε «Μάτια ερμητικά κλειστά») και το εμβληματικό σήμα στο βάθος. Αργότερα εμφανίστηκαν ο γιος του, Σωτήρης, και τα δύο κορίτσια, Ελένη και Μάρθα, κατάλληλα ντυμένα για την προβολή των δραστηριοτήτων του δημοφιλούς
swing club. Στο τραπεζάκι υπήρχαν σφηνάκια με λικέρ φρούτων!
Κατά την τετράωρη παραμονή μου είχα την ευκαιρία να συζητήσω με επισκέπτες, στους οποίους έδωσα την κάρτα μου. Η πλειονότητα αγνοούσε τον όρο «swinging», αλλά ήξεραν την «παρτούζα» και τις «αλλαξοκωλιές»! Οι γυναίκες ήταν πιο δεκτικές στη λήψη του διαφημιστικού απ’ ό,τι οι σύντροφοί τους. Μιλούσαν για ανταλλαγή ζευγαριών, ενώ ο σωστός όρος είναι «ανταλλαγή ερωτικών συντρόφων». Μερικοί είχαν σχηματίσει την εντύπωση ότι το swing club είναι μικρό ξενοδοχείο με δωμάτια για συνεύρεση και η ανταλλαγή ερωτικών συντρόφων θεωρείται δεδομένη!

Στην τρίτη διοργάνωση της έκθεσης το 2017, οι «Έλληνες Ηδονιστές» θα έχουν δυναμική παρουσία με την προβολή των διεκδικήσεων και επιδιώξεων στον χώρο. Ήδη ετοιμάζεται μονόχρωμο μονόφυλλο μιας όψης σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή (pdf). Ετοιμάζεται επίσης και δεύτερο μονόχρωμο μονόφυλλο μιας όψης για τη «Βιβλιοθήκη Ηδονισμού» και τις πρωτότυπες βιβλιογραφικές εργασίες της.

Γενικη παρατήρηση για τους εκθέτες: η χρησιμοποίηση καλλίγραμμων ημίγυμνων υπάρξεων θηλυκού γένους, την οποία κατανοούμε.  Κατά διαστήματα «αφέντρα» με μανδύα και ημίγυμνη περιβολή περιέφερε το «κατοικίδιό» της, ημίγυμνο άνδρα με μάσκα, πνίχτη και αλυσίδα! Έναντι συμβολικού ποσού 5.00€ oι επισκέπτες παρακολουθούσαν παραστάσεις BDSM στον ειδικά διαμορφωμένο χώρο του ημιωρόφου.

Υπήρχε και η αθηναϊκή  σχολή στυλοχορού με νεαρά κορίτσια που ανεβοκατέβαιναν στον στύλο, μάγοι, τυχερά παιχνίδια και ποικιλία ερωτικών βοηθημάτων, σκευασμάτων για άνδρες με στυτική δυσλειτουργία, βιταμίνες,  κ.ο.κ. Τα πάντα στην υπηρεσία του σεξ!

Στον ισόγειο χώρο, ήταν εστιασμένο, όπως άλλωστε αναμενόταν, το ενδιαφέρον του κόσμου, για τις επαγγελματίες καλλιτέχνιδες του αισθησιακού χορού.

Ευχή της κοινότητας των
swingers είναι η κοινή εμφάνιση και των τριών swing bars σε ενιαίο χώρο σε μια από τις προσεχείς διοργανώσεις, με κατανομή των εξόδων συμμετοχής και προβολής των μαγαζιών. Όμως, ο σκληρός ανταγωνισμός, η μυστικοπάθεια και η διαφορετική αντίληψη περί swinging, δυσχεραίνουν την προσπάθεια αυτήν. Δυστυχώς, χρειάζεται πολλή δουλειά, ανοικτά μυαλά και άνθρωποι αποφασισμένοι για την υπέρβαση στον χώρο του καλύτερου ερωτικού παιχνιδιού στον κόσμο.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Weird sex trick that works: Touch her toe...

Hey Angelos,

I know I’m a pretty sexual person, but yesterday, I surprised myself!

I was getting a pedicure at my favorite spa...and the girl gave me a quick foot massage before painting my toes.

Well, while she was rubbing my feet, I noticed something...

I was suddenly starting to get REALLY turned on — in public!

And then it hit me...having my feet caressed was bringing back memories of something my old “friend” Tony did...

...and how we went from “just friends” to “friends with benefits” with ONE massage!

You see, one night, about 5 years ago, we were at my house watching movies and eating takeout.

I’d had a REALLY stressful week. I was exhausted… and my feet were SO sore after wearing high heels all day.

So Tony offered to give me an innocent, friendly foot rub...and I said yes because I was desperate to relax.

And it first the foot massage really helped me unwind. But something else happened, too…

All of the sudden, my pussy was tingling, my heart was racing, and I started to get VERY wet...

And when Tony started working his way up my calves, over my knees, up my thighs, I started to get SO aroused…

In fact, I was suddenly hornier than I’d been in...ages!

It was crazy...I wasn’t even in the mood for sex when he started...and I never even THOUGHT of Tony that way before.

But the next thing I knew, we were against the wall, f*cking HARD — for some reason I just couldn’t resist!

It made me understand why some people have foot fetishes....when touched the right way, a girl’s feet can be POWERFUL arousal triggers!

In fact, certain pressure points in the feet are thought to DIRECTLY increase female horniness:

The ankle: Stimulating just below her ankle bones at the top of her foot could increase her energy and blood flow...making her more relaxed and more easily turned on.

Foot1 copy

The ball of the foot: This pressure point is actually just BELOW the ball of her foot. Chinese acupuncturists call it “the bubbling spring” because it can release tension, stimulate desire, and INTENSIFY her orgasms.


The big toe: Massage (or even suck) her big toe to start stimulating her clit — there’s a neurological connection between her toe and her clit. I’ve heard that some women can cum JUST from toe stimulation alone!


And a foot massage can work make ANY woman feel more frisky...even she’s had a bad day or “isn’t in the mood.”

Plus, it can REALLY take your relationship to the next level...I mean, look how fast it got my Tony out of the friendzone;)

Think about’re already touching her...and making her feel good…

So it’s easy to turn a foot massage into long as you know what you’re doing.

Here’s how to give a panty-dropping foot massage (the same one I got from Tony ;)

All you need is a lotion — I suggest vanilla or cinnamon scented...because both are natural aphrodisiacs.

Step 1: Take one of her feet in your lap and warm it up a bit...point her toes like a ballerina’s, push her foot back to stretch the lower calf muscles. It’ll feel amazing...especially if she wears heels a lot.

Step 2: Apply lotion to your hands, and rub it on her feet, starting at the heel and working to the toes.

Use firm, steady pressure and work the lotion ALL over the tops, bottoms and sides of her foot.

Step 3: Using your thumbs, rub the acupressure point right under her ankle bone...

Getting her blood pumping now will help you turn this massage into something sexy later on ;)

Step 4: Massage the ball of her foot with your thumbs, starting from the big toe and working your way out...she’ll REALLY start to relax and let the tingling sensations take over.

Step 5: Find the “bubbling spring” acupressure point — it’s right below the ball of her foot in the center. Massage it in tight circles using plenty of lotion…

You may notice her toes start to curl on their me, that’s a good thing…;)

Step 6: It’s time to work her toes — they’re most SENSITIVE part of her feet. Add more lotion to your hands, and slip your fingers between her toes — you might be the first person to touch her there!

Rub the sides of her toes, paying special attention to the POWERFUL pressure point on the side of her big toes — it always makes me shiver in the BEST way.

Step 7: Repeat on the other foot. Make sure to take care of both.

Step 8: Once you’ve worked both feet, take both legs in your lap and start to work your way up her legs..,

Massage her calves, and to the super-sensitive back of the knee — her nerves will go CRAZY and her legs will start to tingle.

Step 9: Massage your way up her thighs — go slow, and compliment her legs...there’s nothing a woman loves more than a compliment.

And keep an eye on her face — is her head back? Is she moaning? Breathing heavily?

When she’s writhing with pleasure, panting heavily, totally relaxed...YOU’RE IN...

So go ahead and make your move!

Now is the time to slip her panties to the side and show her JUST how good you can make her feel!

Because once you’ve tap into her sensuality with an arousing foot massage, she’ll jump at the chance to take things even further...and she’ll want to make you feel JUST as good in return.

Think about it — I actually had some of the best sex of my life...with a guy I THOUGHT I’d left in the friend zone…

...and it all started with a simple foot massage.

So just imagine what this technique can do for you ;)


P.S. I really want you to try this ASAP. I think you’ll be amazed at how easy it is...and how HOT the sex is afterwards. Reply to this email and let me know how it goes!

Friday, April 08, 2016

Warning: Her sexual image are intense

Dear Angelos,

I need to warn you about something.

It’s important… and it’ll affect your sex life whether you’re single, married, or dating.

But — if you play your cards right — it can actually help you get laid more often...and have much wilder sex;)

So here it is:  At this very moment, women everywhere are experiencing a major sexual awakening.

I call it ‘sexual spring fever’...and it’s very real (believe me, I have it too!).

This time of the year, it feels like our hormones are raging out of control…

We just NEED sex...and we can’t get enough of it.

This means that right now, your chances of getting laid are better than ever...

But here’s the problem:

When girls are this horny, they’re EXTRA DEMANDING in bed — and much HARDER to satisfy.

You see, right now we’re craving NEW ways to cum...orgasms that surprise us…

We want to experience cumming from our clit, our g-spot, our deep spot...and even our tits

The problem is, most men don’t know how to deliver these intense orgasms and toe-curling waves of pleasure...

That’s why we sometimes don’t even bother to have sex with you…

It’s why we sometimes reject you for no good reason (even when we’re INSANELY horny!)...

We’re just so used to being disappointed!

But even though you — and most guys out there — don’t know these special techniques right now…

...there IS a way to learn them!

So today, I want to give you an incredible opportunity to discover ALL the secrets of female pleasure...

...and learn powerful tricks for making any woman horny, wet and ready to f*ck!

It’s called Blow Her Mind the First Time 2.0

And it’s guaranteed to REVOLUTIONIZE your sex life.

This video ‘sex training’ program was created by Romi Rain — she's a top-ranked adult film star and an extraordinary sex coach.

So to celebrate spring fever, I asked Romi to let my fans experience her amazing special discount.

And guess what — she agreed to give you a whopping 40% off its usual price!

Click HERE to Blow Her Mind (and get 40% off your membership)

Now, the Blow Her Mind 2.0 system works for any guy, on any girl…

And it’s packed with amazing techniques that Romi has personally tested…

Even if you use these techniques on a woman just once… after that, she’ll be hooked forever...

She’ll want to rip your clothes off as soon as you walk through the door...

She’ll start waking you up in the middle of the night...just to f*ck!

And most importantly, you’ll LOVE your new, improved, wilder-than-ever sex life!

But there’s just one CATCH: Romi only has 300 memberships available at this price…

And with over 60,000 fans on my list, I know those sale price memberships are going to fill up super fast...

So I need to you to sign up RIGHT AWAY.

Click Here to Blow Her Mind (40% off the BEST sex you’ve ever had!)

After all, no one deserves to possess Romi’s sexual superpowers more than YOU...

I mean it — you’re smart, fun, and ready to learn. You should be having amazing sex...and lots of it;)

In fact, that’s why Romi developed the Blow Her Mind 2.0 system in the first place — to help great men like you please their women…

...and keep them hot, horny, and always coming back for more!


P.S. Remember, Romi only has 300 'Blow Her Mind' memberships available at 40% off.

That means only 300 of my fans will get to take advantage of this exclusive discount. Click here now to be one of them...before memberships run out.


Saturday, April 02, 2016

"Her pussy will feel so TIGHT" (personal sex tip!)

Dear Αngelos,

Sex toys: Most of them are gimmicks...but here's one that really works!

Best of all, it's something you ALREADY have...and you may not even realize it.

I’m talking about a blindfold.

I’m may not seem like much, but when you can’t see, everything else is AMPLIFIED.

It makes even the lightest touch feel electric — just imagine how she’ll moan when she feels your mouth on her tits...

...or how hard her whole body will SHAKE when your tongue hits her clit for the first time;)

Not being able to see really heightens sensations...and increases her excitement because she has no idea what’s coming next.

So she’ll be spending every second craving your touch…

Anticipating what you’re about to do...begging to feel your mouth, your hands, your cock…

And YOU’LL be worked into a frenzy because you’re in complete control of every single sensation — totally in the driver’s seat.

Just writing that makes me want to blindfold a pretty girl right now ;)

The best part (other than the insane orgasms, of course) is that it’s pretty easy to pull off...without a lot of planning.

All it takes is your favorite tie, a scarf, or the eyemask you use on the plane. I’ve even used a clean dish towel before. (I’ve always loved sex for breakfast!)

Of course, the next trick is getting her to try it.

Now, for some women, being blindfolded can be scary at first — especially if they’ve never tried it.

So the first step is to be honest...don’t worry, it won’t ruin the mood.

Explain what you want to do, and reassure her that you’ll stop if she starts to feel uncomfortable.

And make sure to explain how sexy it’ll make her feel — every little touch will be heightened, everything will be unexpected, and every nerve ending on her body will tingle!

Once she hears that, she’ll jump at the chance…

I mean, who doesn’t want more intense, mind-blowing sex?

Now, once you’ve got her blindfolded, it’s important to start slowly...and gradually work her up.

Start with a gentle kiss (it’s reassuring AND sexy), then work your way over her jawline, down that sensitive skin on her neck, to her tits…

Make sure to use both your mouth AND your hands...

Touch her softly at first but change it up — try firmer touches and even using your nails from time to time...remember it’s all about surprise!

Work your way down her body slowly...lick the delicate skin under her tits, tease her ribcage, kiss her belly...then work your way lower and lower.

Tease AROUND her clit til she’s WRITHING with pleasure…but don’t touch it just yet — it’s what she’s expecting.

Once you’ve got her worked to the BRINK of an orgasm with just your mouth and tongue… the point where she’s squirming and shaking and you’re not sure she can handle it…

...THEN you can f*ck her — and chances are, just feeling your cock for the first time will send her over the edge.

She’s in for a night NEITHER of you will forget...

And after that first time, she’ll be hooked...I sure was!

But I should warn you — there’s a side effect to getting her hooked on being blindfolded that you may not expect:

She may want to blindfold YOU.

And whatever you do, don’t say no!

You’ll love it — everything will be so intense!

Imagine her mouth feeling warmer and wetter than ever…

And her pussy will feel so tight on your cock...because your nerves are on overdrive.

And she may get a little wild, a little less inhibited, since she knows you can’t see her…

She’ll suck you longer because it’s driving you crazy…

Or she’ll try a new position — that one she’s been shy about trying in the past.

Either way...the excitement will get you SO hard that she won’t be able to resist riding your cock.

So give it a try the next time you get into bed. Just make sure you’re ready for SERIOUSLY intense sex before you pull out that blindfold ;)
