
Friday, February 01, 2013


2 Girls Teach Sex Ultimate Fantasy

Angelos… I hope you're excited… because today I have a REALLY special email for you!
So grab a drink, take a seat… and let's have some fun =)
Ok… so yesterday, I told you the story about how I BUSTED a woman named Kirsten… who was teaching *my* sex techniques!
At first I was REALLY angry...
But… then after she told me about some refinements and additions she had made to them… I realized she had taken them to the NEXT LEVEL… and made them even BETTER!
The REALLY amazing thing about Kirsten?
Despite having come up with all of these new twists on my moves… she is NOT a sex coach AT ALL… but… a Dating Coach!
For 5 years she was a professional wing woman… who guys paid to go out to bars with them and help them meet girls.
But during that time she discovered a BIG SECRET about meeting and attracting women that motivated her to become a full-fledged Dating Coach.
Instead of getting paid to introduce guys to women… she simply started telling guys how to use these secret to get girls themselves.
Clients happily lined up to pay her $250 an hour for her advice… because the results they had with it were EXTRAORDINARY!
Because Kirsten had figured out a HUGE thing most guys were MISSING from their game!
So yesterday, I started to explain to you how most men… when they meet a girl…will:
- Compliment her
- try to make her laugh
- impress her 
- try to be a gentlemen
… and this stuff is all great.
EXCEPT… there is one HUGE thing they forget!
It's THIS THING that separates the men who GET LAID from men who get rejected… or put in "the friend zone"…
Guys who do this…
- don't have to worry about rejection
- get phone numbers, dates, and SEX from the HOTTEST girls… the ones that other guys only get to stare at
- have these girls calling them and asking THEM to hang out… or just to come over for sex
- have girls KISSING THEM or even ready to f*ck within just MINUTES of meeting them
What is it?
What is this thing guys who are great with girls do naturally… but other guys forget?
It's simple:
They Know How To MAKE HER HORNY!!!
So. Freakin. TRUE!
Most guys will compliment a girl, make her laugh, buy her a drink… and hey, we girls will let a guy do that stuff ALL NIGHT LONG.
But… NONE of that gets us to actually sleep with the guy… because NONE of those things actually TURN US ON!
It's the guy that knows how to get a girl AROUSED… get her WET… and get her thinking SEXUAL THOUGHTS about him who she is actually going to GO HOME WITH!
The other guys are really just getting her liquored up while she waits for THIS GUY to come along!
So let me say that again… just in case you missed it…
If you want to actually f*ck a girl…
Get it? Got it? Good =)
When Kirsten explained that to me… I had a big "ah ha" moment…
I realized that this was the MISSING LINK for a lot of guys out there.
You just need to know how to spark a woman's SEXUAL INTEREST… and then she's yours.
But I know simply saying, "go get her horny!" isn't gonna help you much.
The real question is HOW to do it!
Because we girls are waaay different then men.
All a guy needs to get horny is a hot body.
But what do women need?
It was when Kirsten and I started talking about THAT… that she REALLY blew my mind!
You see, Kirsten has figured out a simple trick to getting women turned on that ANY guy can use to get a girl thinking NAUGHTY thoughts about him… often within just 10 minutes of meeting her!
She calls it, "Female Mind Mastery", and it's been the basis of the successful coaching business she's been running for nearly 3 years now.
I'll admit… when she first told me about it… I was a little skeptical…
… but after she revealed her system to me… I could see it was the REAL DEAL.
In fact… I liked it so much…
That I asked her to do a program with me!
We've spent the last couple of months putting it together… and I can't even begin to tell you how EXCITED I am to be able to share this with you!
The program turned out even BETTER than I ever could have expected...
It's a complete guide to meeting women, getting them WET and turned on for you…then how to smoothly get them into the bedroom for mind-blowing, orgasmic sex!
It contains Kirsten's special system for getting a woman horny… plus ALL of her special sex techniques (with demonstrations!)… and a WHOLE lot more!
I'll have more details for you soon. For now, I just need to know if YOU are interested in this program!
Do me a favor… and write me back and let me know!
Female Mind Mastery contains the secrets to completely CAPTIVATING the mind of any woman you choose… because once you do THAT… she'll happily give you her body =)
So write me back and let me know if you're interested in this… and I'll have more info for you soon!
P.S. If you're struggling with women right now… it's very likely that knowing just this ONE thing - how to make her HORNY - is what's missing from your game! Once you know how to actually get a woman AROUSED for you… you CHOOSE whether you want to get her number, take her on a date… or hook up with her right there on the spot! It's RARE that we meet a guy who knows how to do this… and that's why I'm so excited to share this with you. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details because Female Mind Mastery is gonna ROCK your sex life!! ;)

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