Title: American Swing Subtitle: The Rise and Fall of 1970s New York City Sex Club Plato's Retreat Directors: Jon Hart, Mathew Kaufman Format: Closed-captioned, Color, Dolby, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen Language: English Subtitles: Spanish Region: Region 1 Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Number of discs: 1 Rated: NR (Not Rated) Studio: Magnolia Home Entertainment DVD Release Date: April 14, 2009 Run Time: 81 minutes Price: USD 19.98 Entry No: on order
Entry Date: to be announced
The Seventies were sexy and sleazy. At the epicenter of it all was Plato's Retreat, the controversial, first-ever swingers club. In New York's conservative Upper West Side, Plato's embraced adventurous couples who came to dance, to swim, and... to swap. It was the start of a revolution. The brainchild of Larry Levenson, the self-proclaimed King of Swing, Plato's Retreat quickly emerged as the mainstay of public sex for the me generation, welcoming anyone and everyone. For only $35, couples checked their judgments and pedigrees at the door; debutantes got it on next to bus drivers, as movie stars gave secretaries the starlet treatment. For Levenson and others, Plato s was a utopia. However, this wild party did not last. American Swing brings this enigmatic epic of excess to the screen for the first time.
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